Who We Are
From the bottom of my curly girl heart, I want to say a very warm and genuine thank you for taking the time to explore Curltivate's products. I am so excited that you are here and I would be honoured to take you further through our journey.
I'm Kylie, the founder of Curltivate. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times I have had people stop me and say “Your curls are gorgeous, is your hair natural?” only to go on and tell me “If my hair looked like yours I would wear it curly too”.
The truth is, with the correct nourishing products and a little guidance, education and support, what you may believe to be just a frizzy mess is actually a head of beautiful curls just waiting to happen!
If you are new to this curl journey, I welcome you, and want you to know that this really is a JOURNEY. Not just for your hair, but for your self love and respect for your hair. I am honoured that Curltivate is on your radar to help you along the way.
If you are a seasoned curly girl that knows her stuff, I thank you for taking the time to check out what Curltivate’s porosity based products can do for your curly crown, and I want you to know that you are supporting Australian made and owned products.
We are a real Aussie company, run by real Aussie curly girls and we are here to help you learn and grow and to support you on your journey.

Our Focus
THE most common frustration I have come across within the curly girl community is the lack of direction. With so many products in the market, each claiming to tame the curly mane, it can sometimes be hard to even know where to start.
Curltivate was developed to ease that confusion and bring a simple and effective three step system to the Australian Market.
Cleanse - Hydrate - Nourish... it really is that easy.
Curltivate is the culmination of my years of experience and research, gaining an understanding from many different perspectives and finding what we believe to be the major player when looking after your curls.
Pairing that understanding with a simple and clear three step process, we believe that no matter what curl type, density or strand thickness you are, we have a POROSITY range that will nourish your hair and bring them closer to the luscious locks, sexy waves or contained curls of your dreams.
What is Porosity and why does it matter?
Porosity refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain water and product. Think of your hair as having little holes in it... the bigger the holes the more liquid that goes through (high porosity) and the smaller the holes the less liquid that goes through (low porosity). Liquids go right through things that have porosity, and so porosity determines how easily or not the hair hydrates, how easily or not the hair absorbs products and water, and how easily or not the hair gets weighed down by product and water.
At Curltivate we understand that your hair's porosity is the biggest factor in determining what product is right for your curls. By changing a few KEY ingredients between our products, and by creating a simple three step system of cleansing, hydrating and nourishing, Curltivate is able to correctly cultivate your hair to achieve the best end result.
We're super passionate about caring for the world we live in and reducing our impact on the environment. For us this has meant switching to aluminium bottles over plastic and introducing a refill system that is designed to reduce waste.
If you want to know more about the moves we are making to reduce our impact on the environment,
check this out.